The friends are also joined by Princess Frederica Esfrost and Benedikt, the caretaker of the Wolfforth house. He is helped by his loyal childhood friend, Prince Roland.

The main character is a character named Serenoa Wolffort. The conflict was caused by a lack of salt and iron. Three continents are at war with each other: Glenbrook, Esfrost and Hisante. The story takes place 30 years after the Soltiron War. The events take place in the fictional kingdom of Norcellia. Some heroes agree and support the choice, but others may completely disagree with the decision made. These choices are about morality and freedom. For example, a fire attack can burn buildings and objects near a unit.ĭuring the passage, you will have to make decisions that will affect the course of the story. The triangle strategy locations are interactive and you can interact with them. When the value reaches zero, the character dies.

Weapons and armor also affect character abilities. Each hero has its own unique characteristics: movement range, attack power, movement distance, etc.

A victory is counted if all opponents on the field are defeated. There is a grid you can use to move your party characters around. The game is inspired by projects like Fire Emblem and Final Fantasy Tactics. If the game happens to reset the FoV you will need to input the console command again.Triangle Strategy v1.0.3 Torrent is a turn-based RPG that focuses on the player’s tactical skills. Type fov (for example fov 35) in the console and press ↵ Enter to adjust the fov to your aspect ratio.If your keyboard doesn't have this key you can adjust the keybind in the UUU client on the Configuration tab. Press ~ in game to bring up the UE4 console (to see the full console/history you can press the keybind again). UUU injection allows you to access the UE4 console.Load the game up if you haven't already.Otherwise if you want to adjust it yourself you can use the following guide to edit the FoV yourself. The first is heading to %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\TRIANGLE_STRATEGY\Steam\Config\WindowsNoEditor, opening Engine.ini and adding the following to the bottom of the file:ĪspectRatioAxisConstraint=AspectRatio_MaintainYFOV Also by default the game is Vert- causing the game to look zoomed in after forcing ultra-wide, to fix this you can do one of two things. Unfortunately some of the UI gets offset, and the colour overlays only cover the 16:9 region of the screen, however the game is still very playable as the issues are small cosmetic ones. If for some reason this didn't happen you can go to the Hotsampling tab and select your aspect ratio/resolution inside the tool. Once the injection succeeds the game should automatically have been adjusted to your resolution.Click 'Select' to select Triangle Strategy process and press inject DLL.Download and extract the Universal Unreal Engine 4 Unlocker.